Tuesday, June 5, 2007

More recently in 2007

2007 began with the unfortunate event of Hayley breaking her leg ice skating. She's all better and healed now. Just in time for a trip to Disney world during the last week of June. We will be joined on that vacation by our dear friends John and Marilo along with their daughters Angelica and Olivia.

As you can see, the disablity didn't stop Hayley and Zachary from enjoying an afternoon playing in the snow!

2007 has also brought us some much welcome visitors. Mark, Sarah and her brother, Ev visited us in early March.

This visit was followed by Vincent and Joke visiting us from Holland by way of their Las Vegas, NV trip.

For Easter week, we then had Oma and Opa visit us from Memphis while on Easter Sunday Lola and Great-Lola joined us.

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